DialogData Sponsors the DCTI Data Structures and Algorithms Lab

DialogData joins the select group of companies which support the academic education in computer and information technology in Timisoara, sponsoring the upgrade of the department Data Structures and Algorithms lab.
The sponsorship has been proposed by DialogData in December 2018, through Lect. Dr. Eng. Ovidiu Baniaş and the Vice-Rector of the UPT, A/Prof. Dr. Eng. Florin Drăgan. As a result, the SDA lab has been equipped with 20 computing workstations of latest generation, completely configured with a 20" monitor, original keyboard and mouse, including 120 GB SSD units for fast data transfers. The total value of the support amounts to over 50,000 lei (10,400 eur).
Since 1992, DialogData has been developing over 800 digitization solutions for clients from various areas of applications. The name of the company combines two elements essential to developing software solutions: active communication and technical experience. The company site in Timisoara has been launched in 2008 and, currently, its main activity is the development of business to business e-commerce solutions. The main asset of the company is its people - a homogenous group with outstanding experience, in a trust based ecosystem.
"Starting from the second semester, 2019, the students are invited to improve their computing skills and knowledge in the field of computer and information technology, using the new facilities of the DCTI Data Structures and Algorithms lab", said A/Prof. Dr. Eng. Ciprian B. Chirilă, lab supervisor and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Automation and Computing.