Călin-Adrian POPA

Academic Title
Dr. Habil. Eng.
Office Contact
calin.popa (at) cs.upt.ro
Short Bio
Călin-Adrian Popa received his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Information Technology in 2009, his Master's degree in Software Engineering in 2011, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Information Technology in 2015, all from Politehnica University Timişoara. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer and Information Technology, Politehnica University Timişoara. He also received a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics in 2013, and a Master's degree in Mathematics in 2015, both from West University of Timişoara. He is interested in neural networks.
"Profesor Bologna" Distinction, 2017
Selected Publications
- C.-A. Popa and E. Kaslik. Multistability and multiperiodicity in impulsive hybrid quaternion-valued neural networks with mixed delays. Neural Networks. December 2017. (ScienceDirect, ISI Impact factor 5.287)
- C.-A. Popa. Learning Algorithms for Quaternion-Valued Neural Networks. Neural Processing Letters. September 2017. (SpringerLink, ISI Impact factor 1.620)
- P. Birtea, D. Comănescu, and C.-A. Popa. Averaging on Manifolds by Embedding Algorithm. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 49(2):454 - 466, June 2014. (SpringerLink, ISI Impact factor 1.994)