Radu Marinescu
Poziţie academică
Dr. Habil. Ing.
Contact birou
  Sălile ASPC P11, B514
(0256 40) 4058
  radu.marinescu (at) cs.upt.ro

Scurtă biografie

Radu Marinescu is a professor of software engineering at the Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, where he heads the LOOSE Research Group. His research is focused on the areas of quality assurance, software metrics and refactoring. He strongly believes that research must ultimately flow into software products that will change the state of the practice in software companies. That’s why he co-founded Intooitus, a spin-off company that provides disruptive tools reflecting a novel approach on assessing design quality and detecting symptoms of technical debt. These tools are currently used by thousands of developers and architects in large-scale companies, including a very successful deployment in a Global Fortune 500 telecom company. He received the IBM John Backus Award (20009) for "having done the most to improve programmer productivity" from a jury that included two Turing Award winners. In 2010 he served General Chair of ICSM. Since 2015 he is Group Manager for Code Quality at Endava, supporting this leading IT services company to make code quality part of its organisational DNA. 

IBM John W. Backus Award, 2009, IBM.
Most Influential Paper Award, 2014, IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME).
Profesor Bologna Award, 2007, ANOSR
Vicepresident, National Research Council, 2011-2013
IBM Eclipse Innovation Award, 2006, IBM.
Apple Distinguished Educator, 2009, Apple