Eugenia-Ana CAPOTA, Public Dissertation of PhD Thesis
Thesis Title: "Scheduling Methods for Mixed Criticality Real-Time Distributed Systems"
PhD Board:
- President: Professor Emeritus Dr. Eng. Vladimir-Ioan CREȚU (Politehnica University of Timisoara)
- Scientific leader: Professor Habil Dr. Eng. Mihai V. MICEA (Politehnica University of Timisoara)
- Referees:
- Professor Dr. Eng. Vasile I. MANTA (Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași)
- Professor Dr. Eng. Dana PETCU (West University of Timișoara)
- Professor Dr. Eng. Daniel CURIAC (Politehnica University of Timisoara)
Thesis Summary:
Real-time systems (RT) are present in our day-to-day life throughout numerous domains. These systems involve a real-time response due to the direct interaction with the environment but also efficient resource management. A concept which presents high interest in classical real-time systems is to combine several critical functionalities onto the same platform. This has led to the development of a new class of systems: mixed criticality systems (MCSs). The MCS concept basically refers to “an embedded computing platform in which application functions of different criticality share computation and/or communication resources” [1]. Many real-time critical applications have already been implemented using distributed architectures [2].These architectures contain a collection of independent components, that run on multiple processing units and communicate with each other through a network [3]. More here.
Note: Persons interested in attending the public hearing may request registration for the online session by e-mail at the address alin.anton (at), at least 72 hours before the date and time set for the support.