Software Engineering Laboratory
The LOOSE Research Group, led by Dr.Radu Marinescu, is focused on the evolution and re-engineering of object-oriented software systems. All research activities of the LOOSE Research Group follow an iterative approach starting with basic research which is then concretized in two directions: on the one hand in the academic field, and on the other hand in collaborations with the industry.
Research Areas
Research Fields:Information security
Software engineering
Component-based systems
Cryptography and cryptanalysis
Distributed and enterprise software technologies
Empirical software engineering
Information filtering and censorship
Information hiding and privacy protection
Malware analysis
Modeling, formal verification and testing
Object-oriented design
Programming languages and compilers
Security modeling and evaluation
Security protocols and systems
Software analysis and quality assessment
Software maintenance and evolution
Current Members
Research Team:
Selected Research Projects
Affiliated Rooms
- B514
Description, History and Other Info
Former Members
LOOSE: Software Engineering Laboratory
Department of Computer and Information Technology
Politehnica University of Timisoara
2, Vasile Pârvan Bvd., 300223, Timisoara, Romania
Room B514
(0256 40) 3262