Christian Daniel CURIAC, Public Dissertation of PhD Thesis

  Date and Time
Monday, September 30, 2024 - 12:00 to 14:00
UPT Conference Center, Room K1, UPT Library, 28, V. Parvan Bvd.

Thesis Title: "Multi-Recommender Framework to Aid ldentifying and Addressing Research Themes Using Bibliographic Metadata and Al"


PhD Board:

  • President: Professor Dr. Eng. Marius MARCU (Politehnica University of Timisoara)
  • Scientific Coordinator: Professor Dr. Eng. Mihai V. MICEA (Politehnica University of Timisoara)
  • Referees:
    • Professor Dr. Eng. Nicolale ȚĂPUȘ (Politehnica University of Bucharest)
    • Professor Dr. Eng. Sergiu NEDEVSCHI (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca)
    • Professor Dr. Eng. Vladimir-Ioan CREȚU (Politehnica University of Timisoara)


Thesis Summary:

Every now and then, researchers need to consider new scientific topics to work on for an assortment of reasons originating either in the way scientific knowledge recently evolved (e.g., the development of new technologies, theories, and methods) or in the existing research theme itself (e.g., the research problem was already solved; no remarkable outcomes are expected; the research question leads to a dead end because of a lack of new ideas, or a material, financial or human resource shortage). The discovery of new research themes has never been so problematic as today mainly due to the dynamism, complexity, and segmentation of the research scene and also due to the abundance of scientific publications that need to be surveyed. In these circumstances, the demand for automatic tools to aid researchers in discovering and starting working on new promising research themes that meet both their expectations and expertise is particularly increasing. This thesis provides solutions to cover this gap by developing a human-in-the-loop recommender framework where adequately structured, classified, and ranked contextual information coming from a large body of scientific publications is been employed to derive hot and feasible research themes alongside identifying suitable research teams, cross-domain knowledge transfers, or scientific literature to start with.
More here.