Mihai V. MICEA

Picture of Mihai V. MICEA
Academic Title
Dr. Habil. Eng.
Administrative Positions and Attributions
Head of Department
Director of the CCCTI Research Center
Coordinator of the DSPLabs
Office Contact
  Rooms B513, B519
(0256 40) 3271
  mihai.micea (at) cs.upt.ro

Short Bio

Mihai V. Micea (IEEE SM'18, IEEE M'02, ACM PM'02) received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. (Cum Laude) degrees in Computer Engineering from the Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, in 1995, 1996 and 2005, respectively.
In 1996 he joined the Department of Computer and Information Technology, Politehnica University of Timisoara, as a Teaching Assistant. Here, he became a Professor in 2013 and Chair of the department in 2016. He received his Habilitation Degree in 2015 and has supervised 4 successful PhD Theses since.

Since 1995 he is the initiator and coordinator of the Digital Signal Processing Laboratories Timisoara (DSPLabs). He was a co-founder and the chair of the IEEE SSIT Romanian Chapter during 2013-2022. He also served as general co-chair of the IEEE ROSE 2014 symposium, co-chair of the Organizing Committee at all the editions of the SACI symposium since 2016 and topic/session chair of several international conferences.
His research interests include intelligent robotic environments, energy management and optimization, intelligent sensor networks, embedded and real-time hardware and software systems, smart sensing and perception systems, digital signal acquisition and processing, multimedia systems, and networks and communications. He currently published over 125 scientific and technical works, which are cited by over 1070 other scientific papers. He is a co-author of 3 patents for invention, granted (2) or pending (1). He was involved in more than 50 international and national R&D grants, contracts and projects, managing 29 of them as a PI/ director, partner project or research theme manager. The total value currently executed as project manager amounts to more than 1.88M EUR.

"Eminent Young Researcher of Timisoara" Prize and Medal, National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS), Romania, 2006.
"Outstanding Reviewers of 2016" Distinction, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, USA, 2017.


Research Fields
PhD Thesis
Selected Research Projects
Supervised PhD Theses
PhD Students under Supervision

Selected Publications