
Real-Time Systems, Robotics and Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
DSPLabs, the Digital Signal Processing Laboratories in Timisoara are an active component of the Department of Computer and Information Technology, at the Politehnica University of Timisoara, with three main functions:
- To support didactic activities (courses, seminars and laboratory workshops) with students at the Automatics and Computer Science Faculty
- To host and coordinate diploma theses, master's dissertations and doctoral programs
- To develop research and application projects within research contracts and grants established with various institutions and companies.
The prime fields of expertise of DSPLabs are: Digital Signal Processing, Embedded Systems and Signal Acquisition and Conditioning Systems.
Current list of project proposals: 2022 - 2023 DSPLabs Projects List (Master, Diploma, R&D)
Research Areas
Research Fields:Portfolio of Available Sevices
- Design-implementation-programming of real-time systems and applications
- Real-time execution analysis of systems and applications
- Real-time schedulability analysis of systems and applications
- Design-implementation-programming of embedded digital systems
Current Members
Research Team:
Selected Research Projects
Supervised PhD Theses
- Christian CURIAC: Multi-Recommender Framework to Aid Identifying and Addressing Research Themes Using Bibliographic Metadata and AI, Supervisor: Mihai V. MICEA, 2024
- Laura BROASCĂ: Patterns in Bioinformatics, Supervisor: Horia CIOCÂRLIE, 2023
- Constantin-Andrei ZAMFIRA: Contributions to the development and standardization of the semantic web, Supervisor: Horia CIOCÂRLIE, 2023
- Cosmin MARȘAVINA: Static Constructs: Evolution and Impact on Software Quality Aspects, Supervisor: Mihai V. MICEA, 2022
- Cătălin Augustin IAPĂ: Free-text keystroke dynamics data set and algorithms for continuous authentication in educational platforms with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), Supervisor: Vladimir I. CREŢU, 2021
- Gabriel CÂRSTOIU: Maximizing the Management Efficiency of Rechargeable Batteries in Critical Energy Storage Applications, Supervisor: Mihai V. MICEA, 2021
- Lucian UNGUREAN: Rechargeable Batteries State of Health Assessment for Battery Powered Embedded Systems, Supervisor: Mihai V. MICEA, 2021
- Eugenia-Ana CAPOTA: Scheduling methods for mixed criticality real-time distributed systems, Supervisor: Mihai V. MICEA, 2021
- Felicia Mirabela DUME: Contributions in the Field of Generative Models Applied in eLearning, Supervisor: Vladimir I. CREŢU, 2021
- Iulia ȘTIRB: Optimization of performance and energy consumption by balanced data locality for the execution of parallel applications on numa systems , Supervisor: Horia CIOCÂRLIE, 2020
- Renata Graziela BOAR: Complex networks with applicability in financial and economic analysis, Supervisor: Horia CIOCÂRLIE, 2019
- Andrei STANCOVICI: Relative localization methodology in collaborative robotic environments , Supervisor: Vladimir I. CREŢU, 2018
- Răzvan ACIU: Integrated frameworks for distributed computing , Supervisor: Horia CIOCÂRLIE, 2017
- Florica BALOG: Data distribution scheme in case of the high performance parallel numeric simulations applied for the wind systems control at variable wind speed systems control al variable wind speed , Supervisor: Horia CIOCÂRLIE, 2017
- Maria Laura ȘEBU: Business processes modeling solution for cross-organizational collaboration, Supervisor: Horia CIOCÂRLIE, 2016
- Cristina STÂNGACIU: Energy efficient real-time scheduling, Supervisor: Vladimir I. CREŢU, 2015
- Valentin STÂNGACIU: Real-time wireless communication for wireless sensor networks, Supervisor: Vladimir I. CREŢU, 2015
- Casandra HOLOTESCU: Inference of Safe Approximate Models for System Composition, Supervisor: Horia CIOCÂRLIE, 2013
- Mihai FĂGĂDAR-COSMA: Foreground Extraction in Video Conferences using Motion Flow Analysis, Supervisor: Vladimir I. CREŢU, 2012
- Codruța ISTIN: A Dynamic Data Gathering in Video Based Wireless Sensor Networks, Supervisor: Horia CIOCÂRLIE, 2011
- Alin-Adrian ANTON: Space-Time Window Reconstruction in Parallel High Performance Numeric Simulations. Application for CFD, Supervisor: Vladimir I. CREŢU, 2011
- Daniela STĂNESCU: Contributions on the Use of Steganography in the Protection and Transmission of Data, Supervisor: Mircea STRATULAT, 2010
- Sorin BABII: Researches on Improving the Performance of Neural Networks in a Distributed Computing Environment, Supervisor: Vladimir I. CREŢU, 2007
- Mihai V. MICEA: Design and Implementation of Real-Time Systems for Critical Applications of Digital Signal Acquisition and Processing, Supervisor: Vladimir I. CREŢU, 2004
Affiliated Rooms
- B417
- B511
- B513
Description, History and Other Info
DSPLabs, the Digital Signal Processing Laboratories in Timisoara are an active component of the Department Of Computer And Information Technology, at the Politehnica University Timisoara, with three main functions:
- To support didactic activities (courses, seminars and laboratory workshops) with students at the Automatics and Computer Science Faculty
- To host and coordinate diploma theses, master's dissertations and doctoral programs
- To develop research and application projects within research contracts and grants established with various institutions and companies.
The prime fields of expertise of DSPLabs are: Digital Signal Processing, Embedded Systems and Signal Acquisition and Conditioning Systems.
Former Members
DSPLabs: Real-Time Systems, Robotics and Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
Department of Computer and Information Technology
Politehnica University of Timisoara