SPark-Community-Driven Parking, 2nd Place Winner of the Java Competition for Universities, 2018

A team formed by Gabriel Băban and Otniel Bogdan Mercea, both of them being students in Computers at the Faculty of Automation and Computing, coordinated by dr.eng. Dan Cosma, have received the second place at the national "Java Competition for Universities", organized at the Oracle Headquarters in Bucharest by and Oracle Academy Romania. The competition aimed at developing complete software products under the topic "Smart City".
The students have designed and implemented from scratch the software system called "SPark - Community-Driven Parking", which aims at solving an important problem in modern cities: managing available parking spaces efficiently. The solution consists of developing a mobile application, supported by a complex Java Enterprise back-end and an Oracle database, that can be used by citizens to view, book, and share free parking slots interactively, at any time.