
DCTI provides the academic level education in the field of Computer and Information Technology for all the types of study programs in Politehnica University of Timisoara: Bachelor (Undergraduate), Master and PhD, in Romanian and English languages. Our courses target as main audience the students of the Faculty of Automation and Computing, as well as engineering students from other faculties and specializations of the university.


The following table presents the general structure of the three types of study programs which can be followed in the Politehnica University of Timisoara:

Program Type Bachelor (Undergraduate) Master PhD
Duration 4 years:
  • 8 semesters x 14 weeks
  • Semesters 7 and 8 include the development of the Diploma Project
2 years:
  • 3 semesters x 14 weeks
  • 1 semester - development of the Dissertation Project
3 years:
  • 1 year - advanced studies program
  • 2 years - doctoral research, development of PhD reports and of the PhD Thesis
Time Chart
  • Total credits: 240
  • Diploma exam
  • Title: Bachelor Engineer
  • Total credits: 120
  • Dissertation exam
  • Title: Master
  • PhD Thesis
  • Title: Doctor


The main specializations in the field of Computer and Information Technology, supported primarily by DCTI, are the following:

Program Type Specialization Description
Bachelor (Undergraduate) Computers-RO
Information Technology
Master Master of Quantum Computing
Master of Machine Learning
Master of Cloud Computing and Internet of Things
Master of Information Technology
Master of Software Engineering
PhD PhD in Computer and Information Technology
  • UPT Doctoral School
  • Romanian or English language
  • PhD in the field of Computer and Information Technology (fundamental area of Engineering Sciences)