Codruța ISTIN

Poziţie academică
Dr. Ing.
Contact birou
Sala B527
(0256 40) 3281
codruta.istin (at)
- Colectarea dinamică a datelor în reţele fără fir bazate pe video, 2011. Supervizor: Dr. Ing. Horia CIOCÂRLIE
Selecţie publicaţii
- 1. Codruta Istin, D. Pescaru, A. Doboli, “Stochastic Model-based Heuristics for Fast Field of View Loss Recovery for Urban Traffic Management Through Networks of Video Cameras'', IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Traffic Systems, 2011
- 2. Onchis, Darian; Istin, Codruta; Real, Pedro, „Space-Variant Gabor Decomposition for Filtering 3D Medical Images”, 17th International Conference, CAIP 2017, Proceedings, Springer International Publishing
- 3. Codruta-Mihaela Istin , Horia Ciocarlie, ”Optimization Algorithm for the Preservation of Sensor Coverage”, New Results in Dependability and Computer Systems, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Dependability and Complex Systems DepCoS-RELCOMEX, September 9-13, 2013, Brunów, Poland, Springer
- 4. Codruta Istin , Dan Pescaru and Horia Ciocarlie,” Energy Saving Algorithm Tuning for Obstacle Avoidance Using Coverage Metrics for Video-Based Wireless Sensor Networks” ,4th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing
- 5. Codruta Istin , Dan Pescaru, Horia Ciocarlie, Daniel Curiac, Alex Doboli, Reliable Field of View Coverage in Video-Camera based Wireless Networks for Traffic Management Applications, IEEE Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology ISSPIT